By Ian R. Hargest on Monday, February 26, 2024
Category: General Reminders

PSA - Be kind, courteous and grateful for our hosts, at all times

It bears repeating, always be cognizant of your interactions with the residents of the communities through which we pass. This means year round. Why do I say that? Firsthand recent experience... In making a recent hotel reservation in one of the smaller communities, the lady answering the reservation line just so happened to be a board member for one of the memorials which we directly support. I learned this fact as part of the jovial conversation we were having while she made and confirmed my reservation details.

Also, it doesn't matter if it's your 2nd or 3rd [food group] of the day. Take it, smile, and say "Thank You" because, more often than not, our hosts have spent significant time throughout the year planning their meals for us, raising funds to support the mission, etc..

In the evenings, after dinner ceremonies and such, when we're all dog-tired and standing in line to check into our hotels, be mindful of your thoughts, deeds, words and actions. We never know who, from the community, may be observing us.

If we were to be critical of our hosts, it could very easily result in us losing a hotel or worse, a host community. 

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